Intimacy Coaching
Have you ever felt frustrated, frozen and stuck, unsure whether your partner is enjoying what you are doing to them? Have you had to endure your partner's unpleasant or irritating care because you didn't want to hurt them? My strong desire is to use ancient wisdom traditions and modern science in order to help you transform your specific challenges into deeper, more profound intimacy with your lover. There is no end to this journey, it's an infinite spiraling into perfection.
An ancient tradition of initiating young boys and girls into an art of giving and receiving love has existed in most cultures. They still continue to exist in some Muslim cultures in a form of highly professional courtesans for boys and women's circles for girls.
An intimacy coaching aims to breach the gap in the intimacy and gender education we never received. Here you will have an opportunity to have a practical experience of delivering pleasure.
Pricing for online sessions
12 hr package - £1050 (12 months validity)
1 hr intro offer - £50 (available once to new clients).
individual sessions - £99 per hour.
Intimacy coaching programme
In a set of 4 sessions (total 15 hrs) you'll receive tools and guidance on the fundamental aspects of juicy lovership. Depending on your personal situation and objectives, it may serve to take this programme multiple times.
Depending on your background, all or some of the following components will be introduced and practiced both ways:
Consent, boundaries, desires.
Practices of relaxation for all partners.
Penetrative power.
Relationship with own body & genitals.
Genital-heart connection.
Relating to and pleasuring other people.
If you'd like to book or have questions on format, please see the Book Online page.
Session format
When the intention is tantric initiation or pleasure, first sessions are focused on sensitizing your body to feel pleasure in ways haven't experienced before. This requires relaxation and focus within, letting go of the need to act and give back. As you might have noticed, the latter can be challenging, especially for male bodies. Hence why relaxing and surrendering is often one of the most valuable and eye-opening aspects of my offering. Thus we start with no touch or one-way touch and I work clothed offering my extensive expertise, loving presence and touch with my hands and arms.
I don't engage in surrogacy or two-way sexual touch. I do work with women that are willing to support you in this way (extra £250 - £500 per hour).