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Sexual Bodywork & Healing

Sexual bodywork is a practice of aligning one's being with the naturally ecstatic current of life. We are an integral part of the environment around us, we continuously receive and emit millions of molecules and waves through air, water, light, sound, etc. Many spiritual practices say that our aim is to become a pure vessel for such processes while  expressing them in our own very unique ways.

Some of these processes may be blocked in your being due to environmental factors, genetics, relationships or any other reason. Blockages most often occur in the reproductive system or area of the heart, but may very well not be limited to these. The aim of my bodywork sessions is to release all that is in the way of ecstatic current within you. This is a very intuitive and energetic process where both participants set an intention and take an attitude of being in process of such intention. Then all that remains is to stay attuned to how life wants to move. If you have never done this before, you will be amazed at the wisdom hidden within.​

The bodywork part of the session normally lasts around 1 hr 30 mins. Massage is often a part of it, however, it may not be relevant at times. After the session a receiver is invited to stay in quiet integration period and have a slow drink to gradually come back. I advise to allow around 2 hr 30 mins for complete experience. This amount of time is usually required to allow for deep relaxation and reversal of rushing patterns of modern daily life.​​​


Bermondsey space:

9 hr package - £1095 (can include 1st session if purchased in the end of it, valid 12 weeks)

Individual sessions:

2 hr session - £350

3 hr session - £490

Liverpool space or central London client locations (extra) - from £85.

* discounts and volunteer-client reduced cost sessions available to youth, full-time students and other groups in need of support. Please dm for details.

If you'd like to book or have questions on format, please see the Booking page.

Session format

When the intention is tantric initiation or pleasure, first sessions are focused on sensitizing your body to feel pleasure in ways haven't experienced before. This requires relaxation and focus within, letting go of the need to act and give back. As you might have noticed, the latter can be challenging, especially for male bodies. Hence why relaxing and surrendering is often one of the most valuable and eye-opening aspects of my offering. Thus we start with no touch or one-way touch and I work clothed offering my expertise, loving presence and touch with my hands and arms.

I don't engage in surrogacy or two-way sexual touch. I do work with women that are willing to support you in this way (extra £250 - £500 per hour).

Statue of Indian Goddess
Tropical Fruits
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