How to love a woman?
Most men want to learn to pleasure their partners better. In our culture they are conditioned to prioritise physical actions, hence why a capacity to observe without an outward action is often challenging (or inaccessible in the beginning). THE GOOD NEWS: EVERYONE CAN LEARN this precious skill. If you've ever heard something like "you are not listening to me", that's where it points to. Spacious observation with your mind, body and heart is a key capacity to offering pleasure. And that's where we start.
We train a state of loving presence for another, with mind not occupied by what it would like to do with them later. Being attentive and free of transactional mindset allows receivers to fully relax and surrender. Even the best touch technique will have very shallow effect in the absence of such capacity. Superb attention involves an ability to listen to their words, their body language and any subtle clues.
I firmly believe that one cannot give pleasure to another if they are not connected to their body or cannot pleasure themselves. Thus the development of your capacity to observe another and be present, first with oneself and then with others, happens in 4 stages.
Stage 1. Noticing.
Practicing observation of your body witout touch. This will improve your body's felt sense: an awareness of what happens below your neck.
This stage takes about 10-40 hrs of mostly solo practice, and the knowledge for it is offered via the Tantric Bliss Initiation or the Supreme Inner Lover programme.
Stage 2. Honing touch.
Most bodies like similar range of things. And what your partner loves is best to be learnt from them. To get there you learn to notice what your body likes and dislikes. The feedback is direct, so it's much easier and quicker. This skill can quickly develop to the point that it brings you to alternate states of consciousness, bliss & connection with all. The latter is a very enriching to be aware of fact of life, and our erotic energy, when harnessed with intelligence, is marvellous in letting us feel it.
This stage takes about 10-30 hrs of mostly solo practice, and the knowledge for it is offered via the Tantric Bliss Initiation or the Supreme Inner Lover programme. Receiving touch from me is often a great accelerator of your path, especially at this stage.
Stage 3. Two-way touch.
The Wheel of Consent, authentic communication and establishing safe container while engaging in a non-sexual two-way touch. This stage is crucial to learn as most of us haven't got a clear idea of what they want, how to ask for it and how to give touch for someone's pleasure and for our pleasure.
This stage takes about 20-50 hrs of practice which can be done as a mixture of in-person sessions, practice with friends and lovers and solo practice. The knowledge for it is offered via the Intimacy Coaching programme.
Stage 4. Full body two-way touch.
This is a very advanced practice requiring a profound level of openness between participants. I support clients who wish to get there with my guidance and finding an appropriate practice partner. This is very individual, and most popular options are: friends, lovers, a professional model or a surrogate.
The price of the first session depends on your experience and intentions for this work (pleasure, education, etc), preferred time and format. I offer scholarships for youth and concessions seeking healing. To receive a quote, please read the Booking & Format page and fill in the form here.